Monday, August 10, 2009

Balloons part two

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Ok, it's was HOT. Very HOT. When I get hot, I get irritated & tired. Needless to say, I was both. The Youth decide that they want to GO BACK to the festival at night when the balloons are back. Great! (suppress an eye roll) This time D accompanies us. This time however, we decide to just meet @ the V-Plex instead of meeting @ the church first. Rebeka is already over there in line (THANK GOD!) when we get there @ 1830. We actually broke in line w/ her (i still feel really bad about that) so that we could ride the tethered balloon. Then more youth come & they break in line too. Yes, this is a Christian youth group and evidently we are line breakers too. So we all, (except D), rode up in a balloon about 20 ft & then back down again. It lasted about 30 seconds. I won't tell you how I had to get my short little legs in & out of that basket. After the balloons were over we took Georgia & Ann out to eat at Iron Horse BBQ. Then around 9P something, we made it home. Then back to church on Sun to teach sunday school. whew!

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